asnine blog


upd. 26/12/24

This site was created to have my own, tiny little bubble on the internet, being able to express myself about any topics of interest. It’s an interesting mix of my personal profile and blog, all-in-one, but a better classification would be a digital garden.

It acts as the perfect excuse to test out new and exciting technologies, allowing me to learn new things and improve my skills. Of course with this, there’s a constant stream of tweaks/updates being brought forward to improve the experience for you, the end-user. After all, the idea of a finished product is a myth.


Above all else, I want this site to be kind to both the planet, and the reader. In practice, this means:

Additional focuses include:


This site heavily features the Helvetica Neue typeface (for Apple devices at least), where I decided strip away custom fonts to ensure full conformance with the philosophy behind this site. For code blocks and snippets, your selected monospace typeface is used, where this comes with the additional perk of being tailored towards you, the reader.



This site wouldn’t be what it is without the exceptional work of individuals such as Paco Coursey and Rauno Freiberg, where I was gobsmacked by the simplistic beauty of their sites, causing me to re-think how I wanted to approach the task of nailing down the design of the site. It was their work that led me to the path of wanting to chase simplicity at all costs, where I’ve had a great amount of fun realising the renewed vision sparked by these individuals.

I’d like to especially thank hasparus with his work on zaduma, and nexxeln with his work on, where the initial concepts of the site was very much inspired by both of these sites.

I’d also like to give praise to (in no particular order):